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  • Writer's pictureDaisy

A New Kind of Busy

Just when you didn’t think you could be any busier…

It probably comes as no surprise to parents of one baby, that having two make for pretty busy days, with little-to-no down-time! This week, I had the rare honour of having fifteen minutes sat in the sunshine doing NOTHING, while the babes slept. It was heavenly! Each minute really counted! My new-found hyper-business is down to the killer combination of starting bably led weaning, and starting to use cloth nappies!

The first two days I was so busy that I forgot to eat lunch. Being a big foodie and generally hangry-unpleasant person when un-fed, it’s significant that I wasn’t just too busy to eat, I was too busy to remember I needed to eat. It’s next level stuff!

On the plus-side, I’ve lost half a stone (and most of that is probably due to being off alcohol and cutting down on cakes and biscuits, as opposed to occasionally starving myself by missing lunch!). So swings and roundabouts. We’re having heaps of fun with the boys and their food – so far sticking predominantly to batons of various sorts so they can easily hold onto things, but we’re mixing in some purees (pre-loaded spoons) and mashes/modges, yoghurts and grated things, so they can get their hands mucky and have a good old rub of various bits into their trays!

I’ve been amazed so far at the sophistication of their pallet! Smoked haddock, chicken liver pate (before I read that it’s not allowed until after 12 months – oops!), taramasalata, hard boiled egg, celery, broccoli, houmous – it’s a wonder I’ve managed to lose any weight as the temptation to pop their leftovers in my mouth is far too great to resist! I’ll be the size of a house unless they start getting more in their mouths before too long!

So, apologies for not blogging about our latest when I had the chance earlier this week – it was too precious an opportunity to waste. I type this now whilst pumping. Multi-tasking in the vain hope that I might be able to bask in the sunshine for 5 minutes once I’m done…. <laughs> Dream on Dais! The sun has disappeared as if it could read my mind!

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